User has joined the channel
has renamed the channel from "general" to "welcome"
set the channel topic: Introduce yourself — where do you live, what do you do, how did you land in the Hudson Valley?
set the channel description: Let's cultivate a friendly, vibrant community of creative, tech, and entrepreneurial folks in the Hudson Valley.
changed channel posting permissions
Hello everyone! I'm starting up this new Slack instance to help connect creatives, tech folks, and entrepreneurial types in the Hudson Valley. In the past few days, 3 separate people have brought up this idea to me, so... seems like the time is right!
Let's make this a lively, thriving destination for people doing interesting work in the region. I'm going to start posting here regularly, and I invite you to do the same! If you want to go above-and-beyond, the most helpful thing we can do to grow the community is invite people. If we each commit to inviting 2 other people, we'll grow exponentially
User has joined the channel
Hey excited to be here! Thx for creating this space !
has renamed the channel from "welcome" to "general"
User has joined the channel
User has joined the channel
User has joined the channel