
Connect with Hudson Valley creatives & small businesses.

ConnectHV is a digital and in-person community of Hudson Valley creatives, technologists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. Use a sponsorship to promote your product, service, or company to our vibrant and engaged audience.

People mingling at a ConnectHV event
Instagram followers
Slack members
Newsletter subscribers
Directory profiles

Who's the ConnectHV audience?

Our online directory and Slack community are used by creatives, technologists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses from across the Hudson Valley.

Our audience includes founders and CEOs of big-name companies; influencers with massive followings on platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram; and the pioneers behind technologies you use (probably) every day.

There’s been nothing but good vibes and opportunities to connect people… I know quite a few people who have gotten gigs on here already.

Digital marketer and designer, via Slack DM

What does your sponsorship include?

A thank you in the ConnectHV Slack, along with a link and a message from your business.
A post about your business in the ConnectHV Instagram feed.
A mention with logo & link in the biweekly ConnectHV email newsletter.
A sponsor card (think: classy display ad) on the homepage.

Become a sponsor

Sponsorships start at $500 for two weeks. Get in touch to talk specifics and learn more!