Photographer and cinematographer with a focus on documentary style storytelling for families, weddings and commercial work.
My photography career began about 20 years ago in Southern California as a freelancer for Surfer Magazine. I loved the water and I loved photography. Combining both was just a natural step. For me, there was something special about swimming into the surf with a camera and finding that one moment where all the chaos came together into a single, beautiful frame.
From there, I began creating family portraits and documenting weddings which allowed me to start working on stories. Stories are part of what makes us human. We collect them. We share them. We pass them on.
I love telling stories.
The photographers that I studied and who inspired me are among the world’s top photojournalists. It was only natural that my family and wedding work evolved into something of that style. It also fit my personality. I’m introverted, quiet, observant. I look for the small details and the subtle things.
I view myself not just as a photographer but a documenter. Someone to tell your story.
A few years ago, I branched out to film making. Now, instead of just having a single frame tell a story, I can link those frames together into something that moves. Something that provides a much deeper connection with the person who is receiving the story.
Let’s get together, have a coffee and share some stories. Then, let’s figure out how to tell your story.