Nea' Mckinney

Nea' is a Sound healer as well as a Marketing/PR professional.. She is also involved in International Television, Film, Concert and Music Productions.

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Nea' Mckinney


Nea'(Sister Redhawk) is a indigenous medicine woman ,sound healer, and yoga nidra facilitator. She is highly known in and around the Hudson Valley for conducting Sound Immersion events, workshops and retreats. She is also the CEO and Coordinator of SOAR Enterprises Marketing/ PR, which is a private PR and consulting affiliate service network. She has been instrumental in the launch of an array of new businesses and talent preparing them for professional opportunities. Her continual commitment to the industry helps her continue to break new grounds for new businesses and talent. She is not only involved in business development, but she is also involved in International Television, Film, Concert and Music Productions.


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